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Academic Catalog
College Catalog 2024-2025 
    Feb 05, 2025  
College Catalog 2024-2025

Teacher Education Program

Director: Andy Cox

The University of Virginia’s College at Wise (UVA Wise) Teacher Education Program (TEP) is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP) and is approved by the Virginia Department of Education to offer programs that lead to initial teaching endorsements.

Candidates pursuing programs leading to an initial teacher license level must complete the appropriate curriculum for teacher education, including the general education requirements, requirements for one of the majors offered by the College, specific teaching endorsement requirements, professional studies requirements, and the teaching internship (student teaching).

Candidates planning to teach at the PK-6 level or special education must complete a major in Liberal Arts and Sciences. Those who possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and wish to become eligible for an initial teacher license must complete all requirements for admission to the Teacher Education Program. Students who do not meet all requirements of the State Approved Program at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, including a teaching internship, will fall under the alternate route guidelines of the Virginia Department of Education and additional coursework may be required when seeking licensure.

Admission to the Teacher Education Program

Admission to UVA Wise does not guarantee admission to the Teacher Education Program. Candidates seeking teacher licensure must apply for and be granted admission to the TEP by the Teacher Education Admissions Committee. TEP applications are available online at

Candidates are encouraged to apply for entry into the TEP after successfully completing the EDU 2510 class. Candidates who have completed 30 or more semester hours of coursework and students who have already completed a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university and wish to be admitted to the TEP should apply immediately after their admission to UVA Wise; candidates holding a degree must complete all requirements for admission to the TEP by the conclusion of their second semester enrolled at the college.

All candidates admitted to the TEP are required to complete at least six semester hours on campus. Distance education students through the Center for Teaching Excellence who pursue education coursework without seeking admission to the TEP cannot be verified as program completers in their respective endorsement areas. Those students who have a grade point average of 2.5 (or higher) and a four-year college or university degree and have not been admitted to the TEP may be permitted to take courses requiring TEP admission.

Entry requirements for the TEP are as follows:

  1. Admission to The University of Virginia’s College at Wise;
  2. Completion of at least 30 semester hours of academic credit from an accredited college or university;
  3. A cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better for all coursework completed at UVA Wise and an overall cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better from all colleges and universities attended;
  4. Recommendations from:

a. The Chair of their major academic department at UVA Wise,
b. The Dean of Students,
c. Four college instructors (including at least three members of the UVA Wise faculty) who have observed and assessed the candidate’s performance as a student;

  1. Completion of EDU 2510, Foundations of Education and the Teaching Profession, with a recorded grade of “C-” or better; and
  2. Passing scores on the VCLA and the PRAXIS Core Math Assessment.
    1. VCLA-Candidates are required reach a composite score of 470 on the VCLA. If a candidate’s combined score is lower than 470, he/she must retake all or part of the VCLA. If the composite score is 470 or above and the score on the writing section was below 235, candidates have the option to complete a writing prompt on campus. A passing score on the writing prompt can be substituted for a failing VCLA writing score. There is no substitute for a failing score on the VCLA reading section.
    2. PRAXIS Core Math Assessment-Candidates are required to take the PRAXIS Core Math Assessment or substitute the math assessment with a qualifying score on the SAT/ACT. Students who have taken the SAT/ACT and achieved a minimum score in the math section are not required to take the PRAXIS Core Math Assessment. Exemption scores for the PRAXIS Core Math are:
SAT before April 1, 1995 with a minimum score of 510 in math
SAT after April 1, 1995 and before March 2016 with a minimum score of 530 in math
SAT after March 1, 2016 with a minimum score of 560 in math
ACT before April 1, 1995 with a minimum score of 21 in math
ACT after April 1, 1995 with a minimum score of 22 in math

Candidates who fail the PRAXIS Core Math Assessment have the option to take EDU 3020 and will meet the PRAXIS Core Math Assessment with the completed summative test.

  1. Candidates are required to pass an interview with the TEP Admissions Committee. The Teacher Education Admissions Committee will interview those candidates who have been identified as eligible for admission. Interviews are held in September, October, November, February, March, and April each year. Candidates can request interviews using the online TEP application found at If candidates do not reach a passing score on the interview, they can request a second interview through the Director of Teacher Education. Candidates who fail the second interview are required to meet with the Director of Teacher Education to seek clearance to write a formal request to the Teacher Education Admissions Committee for permission to conduct a third interview. If the Teacher Education Admissions Committee grants permission for a third interview, then the candidate may interview with the Committee again. Candidates who fail the interview after the third attempt will not be eligible for admittance into the TEP.

Expectations for Students Regarding Professional Dispositions

Candidates enrolled in the TEP are working toward teaching endorsements and careers in public education. Consequently, all teaching faculty are charged with the responsibility of evaluating not only the academic achievement of these students but also their “professional dispositions” for teaching. These dispositions are often defined as patterns of behavior and habitual tendencies that impact students, colleagues, and the school environment in general.

Specifically, these behaviors have been shown to directly affect P-12 student learning, motivation, and development. Of particular concern to the Virginia Department of Education are teacher candidates who exhibit such problematic behaviors as excessive absences, excessive tardiness, lack of preparation for class, lack of concern for completing assignments or for completing assignments on time, lack of tolerance for others and others’ ideas, or lack of respect for diversity. A demonstration of any of the negative dispositions described above by candidates seeking TEP admission or admitted candidates will be taken into account during the application process and the candidate’s progression through the program.

When applicable, the teaching faculty will document negative dispositions through the completion of a Dispositions Report. The Director of Teacher Education will contact and discuss the report with the candidate. The director will advise the candidate of the risk of denial of admission to or if already admitted, withdrawal from the TEP if the candidate does not demonstrate improvement in the noted area(s). A total of two reports from two or more 

instructors will constitute a pattern of such behaviors and will provide the basis for denial of admittance or removal from the TEP.

* Candidates with identified disabilities, who may need additional time to achieve passing scores on the PRAXIS I math and the VCLA, are eligible to apply for probationary admission to the Teacher Education Program. All candidates must be fully admitted to the Teacher Education Program to be eligible to enroll in Intern Teaching.

Admission to the Teaching Internship

Admission to TEP does not guarantee admission to the Teaching Internship. Candidates who are enrolled in the TEP will be permitted to enroll in the teaching internship course after meeting the following requirements:

  1. Full admission to UVA Wise TEP;
  2. A cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher in all coursework completed at UVA Wise and an overall cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher from all colleges and universities attended;
  3. A 3.0 or higher in major coursework for endorsements in 6-12 English, Foreign Language, Theatre, and History;
  4. Satisfactory completion of the professional education courses which are requirements for the prerequisite to the teaching internship;
  5. Satisfactory completion of at least six semester hours of coursework on the main campus at UVA Wise;
  6. Completion of all liberal arts core requirements prescribed by UVA Wise;
  7. Demonstration of interpersonal skills required to establish and maintain successful professional relationships with the students, parents, teachers, and supervisors in the school community;
  8. A grade of “C-” or higher in all professional education courses;
  9. Passing scores for the appropriate assessments (PRAXIS Subject Assessment, the VCLA, and the RVE). If candidates are planning to intern in the fall semester, assessments must be passed by June 1. If candidates are planning to intern in the spring semester, assessments must be passed by November 1;
  10. Completion of and/or passing scores on, the following before beginning the internship:
    1. Background Check (completed at school district of internship),
    2. Finger Printing (completed at school district of internship),
    3. Tort insurance through the VEA Behavior Intervention and Support via (online training),
    4. Child Abuse and Neglect Recognition and Intervention Training (online training),
    5. Dyslexia Awareness Training (online training),
    6. Tuberculosis Skin Test within one year of beginning internship (College Nurse or Family Practitioner), and
    7. Emergency First Aid, CPR, & AED Certification or training.

Upon successful completion of the teaching internship and all other requirements for the degree and teaching license, candidates are advised to complete an application for a teaching license. The licensure application, when completed, must be returned to the Director of Teacher Education for submission to the Virginia Department of Education.

Internship Placements

The Coordinator of Intern Placements will request internship placements with local school administrators. Candidates will be placed within the following school districts: Wise, Scott, Russell, Tazewell, Washington, Smyth, Dickenson, Lee, Buchanan, Bristol City, and Norton City Schools. Generally, interns are placed within a 45-mile radius of UVA Wise. Interns are responsible for their transportation during the internship.


A student who is denied admission to the Teacher Education Program or whose full admission status has been rescinded by the Teacher Education Admissions Committee may submit a written appeal to the Provost.

Non-degree Status Students Seeking Licensure

Candidates who have a Bachelor’s Degree and who are seeking an initial license to teach may apply for admission to the TEP. Candidates entering this program must have a degree from a regionally accredited college or university and be admitted as a non-degree status student. Non-degree status students must complete the professional studies requirements, including admission to the TEP, Intern Teaching, and required assessments. Candidates who do not have a degree in the area of intended endorsement may need to take additional academic coursework to meet the Virginia licensure requirements. An advisor in the Education Department will meet with prospective students to evaluate their coursework and to determine any additional required courses.

Teaching Endorsement Areas

Career and Technical Education – Business and Information Technology 6-12
Driver Education (add-on endorsement) 6-12
Elementary Education Pre-K-6
Engineering 6-12
English 6-12
Foreign Language (French, Spanish) Pre-K-12
Health and Physical Education Pre-K-12
History and Social Science 6-12
Library Media Pre-K-12
Mathematics 6-12
Mathematics - Algebra I (add-on endorsement) 6-12
Music Education - Instrumental Pre-K-12
Music Education - Vocal/Choral Pre-K-12
Science - Biology or Chemistry or Earth Science (add on) 6-12
Special Education-General Curriculum Pre-K-12

Teaching Endorsement for Secondary Education (Licensure) Requirements

Individuals seeking licensure with secondary grades 6-12 endorsements may meet requirements thorugh the completion of an approved program. Components of the licensure program include an appropriate major, professional teacher’s assessment requirement (Praxis I and II and the VCLA) prescribed by the Commonwealth of Virginia Board of Education, professional studies requirements, and any specific endorsement requirements.

Licensure Requirements, Pre-K-12

Licensure at the Pre-K-12 level may be obtained in library media, music education, and health and physical education. Students must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program and complete the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum, an appropriate major offered by the College, and the professional studies and teaching internship requirements.

Secondary Education Minor

Each student admitted to the Teacher Education Program at the secondary level may earn a minor in secondary education by completing the professional requirements for secondary grades 6-12.