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Academic Catalog
College Catalog 2024-2025 
    Feb 16, 2025  
College Catalog 2024-2025

Department of Language and Literature

Language and Literature

Degree: Bachelor of Arts in English
Majors: English, French, Spanish, and Foreign Studies
Chair: Joseph Kern
Department Faculty: John Mark Adrian, Clara-Christina Adame de Heu, Jonathan Crimmins, Emily Dotson, Joseph Kern, Gretchen Martin, Sheila Rhea McNulty, Cynthia Newlon, Verónica Rodríguez, Janet Smith, Kenneth J. Tiller, Donald Trivett, Marla L. Weitzman, and Erin Yanota
English Coordinator: Jonathan Crimmins
Foreign Language Coordinator:  Verónica Rodríguez

The Department of Language and Literature offers majors in English, French, Spanish, and Foreign Studies leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. The Foreign Studies major has concentrations in French, German or Spanish. The department offers minors in English, French, German, Hispanic and Hispanic-American Studies, and Spanish.

Application Process

Those who wish to earn the Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a major in Language and Literature must complete the following procedure:

  1. Submit to department chair a declaration of major form. In order to be accepted into the department majors, students must have a 2.0 GPA overall and a 2.3 GPA in courses taken for the major. For English majors, students must have completed 9 hours of courses labeled 3000 or above. For French, Spanish, and Foreign Studies majors, students must have completed 9 hours of courses labeled 2000 and above.
  2. The student will be assignd an advisor to assist in developing a schedule of courses to complete the major.
  3. This procedure generally takes place by the first semester of the student’s junior year to ensure that the student has completed the Liberal Arts Core requirements, and to provide time to complete the major requirements in a reasonable fashion. From time to time, the department will review the progress of the student.

From time to time, the department will review the progress of the student. The student’s advisor shall inform the student about the conclusions of the departmental review.

English Placement

Because effective writing is directly connected to successful completion of a college degree, freshmen entering the College must register for the freshman English course appropriate to their writing abilities. Placement in freshman English courses is determined by the student’s high school record. However, students will also be required to write an essay on the first day of class. After reading the essay and reviewing the student’s scores, the department will place the student according to the following norms:

  • ENG 1000  : a course of study geared to remedy deficientcies indicated by the written samle. Students placed in ENG 1000 must successfully complete the course before they may register for ENG 1010. Unless exempted by the Registrar, the student may repreat ENG 1000 once.
  • ENG 1010 -ENG 1020 : These are the standard English freshman writing courses.Placement in English 1010 is by way of submiting an acceptable writing sample on the first day of class with an appropriate high school record. The student must complete English 1010-1020 in semester sequence during the first year.
  • ENG 1030 : To provide the exceptionally well-prepared students the opportunity to write at the advanced level, the department offers ENG 1030  Honors. Placement in English 1030 shall be on the basis of high school record and an outstanding writing sample on the first day of class. Students who score 3 or 4 on the Advanced Placement Examination may also be placed in English 1030. Successful completion of English 1030 with a grade of C- shall satisfy the Liberal Arts Core requirement and the student will be awarded 6 hours of credit toward graduation. (Students who score a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examination may be exempted from both ENG 1010 -ENG 1020 ; such students will also be awarded 6 hours of credit in English toward graduation.)

Foreign Language Placement

Advanced placement in foreign language will be granted on the basis of scores on the Advanced Placement Examination, departmental examinations, and the student’s level of secondary school work in foreign language.

FRE 1010 -FRE 1020 , GER 1010 -GER 1020 , and SPA 1010 -SPA 1020  are the standard foreign language courses that may be used to satisfy the Liberal Arts Core requirement in language. Placement in 1010 of a foreign language course is automatic for students who have not taken the placement test and who have little or no preparation in foreign language. Placement in 1020 or higher in foreign language may be obtained by departmental placement examination.

A student with three years or more of high school language with an “A” average  may not take the 1010 course of a foreign language without departmental approval. Students with this background should enroll in the 1030 or 1020 course in the language of their preparation.

FRE 1030 , GER 1030 , and SPA 1030  provide exceptionally well-prepared students the opportunity to work at an accelerated pace. Successsful completion of FRE 1030 , GER 1030 , or SPA 1030  with a grade of “C-” shall satisfy the Liberal Arts Core requirement and students will earn 6 hours of credit toard graduation. If they receive a D-, D, or D+ in the class, they may retake 1030 with the same requirements or take 1020 and pass in order to meet the foreign language requirement. Students with unique circumstances should consult with the Chair of the Department.

Advanced Foreign Language Proficiency

Students with advanced proficiency in French, German, or Spanish can satisfy the Liberal Arts Core requirement for foreign languages in one of four ways:

  1. Completion of  a department exam;
  2. Completion of FRE 2020 , GER 2020 , SPA 2020  or a course at a higher level, with a grade of C- or higher;
  3. Completion of two courses in a foreigh language different from the one in which the student already has proficiency;
  4. A score of 5 on the College Board Advanced Placement Test in Language and Culture.

International students with a native language other than English will automatically be waived from the foreign language requirement.


The Department of Language and Literature is pleased to award graduation with honors to distinguished students. To earn honors in English, Foreign Studies, French, or Spanish the student shall:

  1. Maintain a 3.50 cumulative grade point average in courses taken on campus and courses transferred to UVA Wise;
  2. Be nominated for honors by the student’s departmental advisor and at least one other member of the department;
  3. Submit a research paper in ENG 4980 -ENG 4990  (Senior Thesis I & II) that is deemed distinguished by at least three members of the Department of Language and Literature.
